The Hamilton Spectator

It’s time to invest in Black mothers and babies

There are ways to help stop the trauma from anti-Black racism being passed on

EKUA ASABEA BLAIR Ekua Asabea Blair, an African Canadian, is CEO of Massey Centre, a multi-service infant and early mental health Toronto agency supporting young mothers and their children.

It’s no secret to those of us in the Black and African-Canadian community that we have faced a lot of trauma, including racist legacies, discriminatory policies and microaggressions. We continue to be exposed to economic, social and political influences that are damaging to physical and mental health. This trauma, passed from generation to generation, manifests in complex ways and leads to health problems throughout our lifespans: poverty, violence, lower literacy rates, teen pregnancy, substance use and more.

There are ways to help stop the trauma from anti-Black racism being passed on, starting with babies. By investing in infant mental health, we can change the trajectory for future generations of Black families.

Research shows the first few years of life are a critical period in child development. More than one million connections are made between brain cells every second in the early years. Stress shapes their brains, their responses and expectations of the world. The trauma and stress that Black mothers face during their babies’ first weeks and months is passed on to their babies.

Rates of teen pregnancy have steadily decreased over the past 25 years, but in the Black and AfricanCanadian community, they remain high. Can you imagine a new young mom, fleeing violence and trying to figure out her next move?

As the CEO of Massey Centre, an organization serving primarily Black adolescent mothers and babies, I see this situation every day. Young Black moms are stressed out, and their babies are, too — this has lifelong implications for the infants. It has become my life’s passion and mission to put a stop to the cycle of babies of young moms becoming vulnerable young moms themselves.

At Massey Centre, we focus on infant and early mental health to prevent problems before they begin. We work to create a healthy relationship between young mothers and babies, so moms can respond to their babies’ needs, providing a foundation of strong mental health.

Moms like Sheenique Baptiste are taking the support we offer and thriving. When Sheenique found out she was pregnant, she fled her abusive home and moved into our residences. Being a teen mom on her own was tough. When her baby,

Jayvion, cried, she assumed he hated her. She was frustrated and needed help. With the support of our centre, she learned how to communicate with Jayvion and recognize what he needed from her. Sheenique is now living independently and finishing up her college diploma, and Jayvion is thriving.

Massey Centre is making significant changes to lives of moms and babies. As a Black-led and Blackserving women’s organization, we — like others — are chronically underfunded. If we had sufficient resources to help all young mom and babies, imagine the impact we could have.





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