The Hamilton Spectator

Where’s Premier Ford?

Disgusting to say the least. These people are targeting the one place and the staff which may save their life from COVID. I hope someone is taking pictures of these protesters so if they arrive ill from COVID, they wait their turn and the staff will get to them sometime. And where is our illustrious premier? I guess Erin O’Toole pulls some big weight when he can get Doug to abdicate his responsibilities to the citizens of Ontario. Ted Lister, Hamilton

Regarding Project TORQUE targeting dangerous driving: As the summer draws to a close, is it possible we will be relieved of the racing, noisy cars and motorcycles that fly over our roads into the wee hours of the morning? Their engines are like raging bulls in a pen, snorting and roaring, waiting to enter the ring of traffic, causing noise and air pollution.

Most nights I am awakened between 1 and 4 a.m., heart racing, awaiting the sound of a crash. So you’re angry, frustrated and disappointed with life. Perhaps you should be sentenced to volunteer at a hospital trauma centre or how about a one-way ticket to Afghanistan?

Adele James, Hamilton





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